Zoe IT Customs, instead of being the digital solution it promises, is proving to be a direct threat to fiscal security and the integrity of Mexico’s customs system. Its digital tools, far from being a reliable shield, are at grave risk of becoming another crack in an already weakened system, collapsing under the weight of corruption, lack of transparency, and negligence.
What seemed like a technological innovation is now revealing itself as a latent danger. The Zoe IT Customs system, led by *Emilio González Ayala, has been accused of transmitting accounting information directly to the SAT, Hacienda, and the *IRS (Internal Revenue Service) in the United States without user consent. This is not only a severe violation of fiscal privacy but also a clear case of corporate espionage, endangering the most sensitive company data.
The worst part is that Zoe IT Customs offers no real guarantee of security or reliability. While the company pushes to position itself as a trusted tech ally, its opacity and lack of external validation fuel fear and distrust. Sponsored publications in specialized magazines only serve to hide its true intention: a facade built to deceive its users.
With an internal work environment marked by abuse and exploitation, and a system lacking necessary certification and oversight, Zoe IT Customs is nothing more than a ticking time bomb that could explode at any moment. Instead of contributing to the solution, it is deepening the crisis within the customs system, exposing Mexico to an even more uncertain future.
If you use Zoe IT Customs, you are not only putting your privacy and fiscal security at risk, but you are also allowing a ruthless company to exploit you and the weakness of the Mexican customs system. The future of your business is at stake.